About Us

Long ago in earth’s past (well…2003), a rowdy band of friends formed a gaming guild to celebrate their love of all things “space”.

Their first foray into galactic mischief began with Star Wars Galaxies. As members of the Juganoth [JUG] Corporation, the miscreants were the first on the Chilastra galaxy-server to locate and decrypt a Sith Holocron. They were also the first group to build their own guild city and, finally, the first team to ever kill a player Jedi (when permadeath was still a thing for force users).

In 2005, several members (hungry for more challenge and adventure) joined Eve Online and formed their own corporation. The corporation was affiliated with the ‘Band of Brothers’ alliance until joining Goonswarm in 2014. The corporation’s focus was on piracy, PvP and astrometric exploration – uncovering wormholes and pilfering goods from the hapless corporations stationed within them. Wars were fought, fortunes made (and even a few rage-tears were shed).

And now, the villainous wretches are busy corrupting Star Citizen. Without a doubt, Divert Course will continue to sully yet another fine game with their wanton and debauched displays of piracy, smuggling and sabotage (allying themselves with other like-minded ne’er-do-wells).

Team Leaders:


Covert-Ops and espionage team leader.


Smuggling and trading team leader.


Recruitment team leader.

Manifesto – “What We Are”

Divert Course Enterprises (DCE) is committed to the following org principles which govern its behavior, style, recruitment policies and in-game event selection:

  • We are singularly focused on the success of our org members, and allied individuals and guilds / orgs. (Success as defined by a sense of fun, fair play, comradery and in-game wealth and prestige).
  • We are committed to the fundamentals of smuggling, salvaging, racketeering and counter-intel ops insofar as a game’s rules, mechanics and in-game culture allow. Competing corporations and organizations are viewed as “prey” just as we view ourselves as “predators”; but our commitment to skullduggery will never exceed the rules of conduct for any game nor violate our own org charter. Nor will we grief other organizations unnecessarily.
  • We never steal from nor kill any org member unless pre-agreed to roleplaying is taking place (and is only permitted within the org when the “victim” is in full agreement and cooperating). An example of this is ship-to-ship PVP training where one org member has agreed to take on the role of “intruder” and the training org mate(s) engage them to hone their combat skills. In short, no stealing or killing from org mates within the game except for officer-approved purposes and the awareness and agreement of all involved.
  • We will only recruit the best and watch closely those new to our ranks to ensure they hold to our org’s values and fully represent our interests.
  • We will defend ourselves and our allies with all that we are and all that we have; but we will respond to any threat with undue (in-game) force and vengeance.
  • Finally, we aren’t a politically correct group but our behavior can never exceed that allowed in the org charter (“PG-13 behavior”).

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